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解放以来,我国岩石地下建筑发展很快,兴建了大批岩石地下洞库、厂房等等。水利电力建设方面,已有不少大、中型地下厂房和引水隧洞在运行;交通方面,仅成昆铁路一线就有四百多座隧道,还有不少地下车站;国防军工方面则地下工厂、仓库或其他地下设施更多。通过各行业广泛的工程实践,在勘测、设计、施工和科研各方面都积累了不少经验有待总结,在技术上也提出了许许多多的问题有待解决。本文试就岩石地下建筑技术上的首要问题——围岩稳定性问题,用岩石力学的观点和方法作一粗略的分析,并就研究地下洞室稳定性的途径提出一些初步意见。 Since the liberation, the rapid development of China’s rock underground construction, the construction of a large number of rock underground caverns, factories and so on. In terms of water conservancy and power construction, many large and medium-sized underground power plants and diversion tunnels are under operation. In terms of traffic, there are over 400 tunnels along the line of Cheng-Kun Railway and many underground stations. In the defense industry, the underground factories, More warehouses or other underground facilities. Through a wide range of engineering practice in various industries, a great deal of experience has been accumulated in surveying, designing, construction and scientific research. Many technical problems have yet to be solved. This paper tries to make a rough analysis on the rockmass underground construction technology’s primary problem - the stability of the surrounding rock, using the viewpoints and methods of rock mechanics, and puts forward some preliminary opinions on how to study the stability of underground caverns.
1988年以来我科采用疝囊高位结扎同时缩窄外环口治疗婴幼儿腹股沟斜疝198例,初步体会:切口小,操作简单,复发率低等优点,现报告如下。 1 临床资料 本组198例,男性182例,女性1
目的 :探讨膀胱副神经节瘤的临床病理特点和鉴别诊断。方法 :通过HE及免疫组化染色观察 3例膀胱副神经节瘤并复习文献。结果 :膀胱副神经节瘤好发于年轻女性 ,常表现血尿 ,头
70年代发生的石油危机,使西方汽车遭受了沉重打击,日本汽车商明智地发展了油低, The oil crisis that hit the West in the 1970s put a heavy blow on Western cars. Japanese
本学术报告概括地描述了(美)国内外膨胀水泥混凝土发展的历史,解释有关的术语,并总结美国膨胀水泥的现状。叙述了膨胀水泥的水化反应,并着重指出了形成 E 盐所必需的成分,讨