红壤田在晚稻生育期间脲酶活性从插秧到分蘖期逐渐升高,抽穗期后逐渐下降,至收割后降至最低。不同类型稻田脲酶活性大小为肥田> 中肥田> 瘦田。脲酶活性随土壤深度加深而降低。在农业生产上安排氮肥的使用可利用本结果将尿素避开脲酶高峰期使用,以提高氮素利用效率。
During the growth of late rice, urease activity increased from transplanting to tillering stage and decreased gradually after heading stage, and then decreased to a minimum after harvesting. The urease activity in different types of paddy fields was in the order of field> medium field> lean field. Urease activity decreased with deeper soil depth. Use of Nitrogen Fertilizers in Agricultural Production Use this result to avoid the use of urea at the peak of urease to increase nitrogen use efficiency.