1 设备管理现状振兴轧钢厂继1986年投资140万元技改后,于1995年又投资1800万元改造,将一个只能吃进中间轧废,年产仅3000吨的小厂,改造成坯料为75×75、60×60方坯,可生产正规螺纹钢材,年产量达6~8万吨的现代化的轧钢厂。而与现代化的硬件极不协调的是管理软件。由于缺乏严格的岗位责任制,设备管理工作较为落后,设备维修采取事后维修,点检也只是趋于形式,结果设备故障、事故不断,造成的损失惊人: a.加热炉断水保护系统失灵,造成加热
1 equipment management status quo revitalizing the rolling mill Following the investment 1.4 million yuan in 1986 technological transformation, in 1995 invested 18 million yuan transformation, will only eat into the middle of rolling scrap, with an annual output of only 3,000 tons of small plants, transformed into billets For 75 × 75, 60 × 60 billet, can produce regular thread steel, annual output of 6 to 80,000 tons of modern rolling mill. And very modern hardware and coordination of management software. Due to the lack of a strict job responsibility system, the management of equipment is relatively backward, and maintenance of equipment is taken after maintenance. Inspection is only in the form of the result. Equipment failure and accidents are constantly causing astonishing losses: a. Failure of heating water protection system heating