
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccb332
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  This is the world’s smallest mobile color printer. Its name is PrinCube. Oh!It looks like a small cube1. How small it is!It is a hand-held device2. It was made by TheGodThings Company in USA. The palm3-sized printer is small, but it’s powerful4!
  The small mobile printer can print everything people need. It not only transfers5 ink onto paper, but also directly prints onto almost anything, including metal, textiles, plastics, wood, leather, and even the skin. It works using WiFi. People can upload6 any text or picture from their smartphones. Then it will be soon ready to print!
  Look at the picture, please!This small and hand-held device is printing the English word“PrinCube” in the thin book. TheGodThings says, “The high efficiency7 printer has 20 times more memory8 than other mobile printers and can print over 415 pages of A4 paper on one box!”
  請看这张图片!这款小型手持设备正在把英语单词“PrinCube”打印在薄的书里。The GodThings公司表示:“这款高效打印机的内存是其他移动打印机的20倍,而且可以在一个墨盒上打印415页的A4纸!”
  In this picture, the world’s smallest mobile color printer is printing some smiling face expressions on the upper part of the white cloth bag.
  In this picture, the small color printer is printing capital9 English letters A, B, C, D, E, F...on the thin brown notebook. They are colorful!
  Hey!PrinCube can print on people’s bodies. It is good for making short-term tattoos10 on the skin. Isn’t easier and better than the tattoo?
  Of course, the lightest and smallest mobile color printer can print on the cloth. Look!It is working on the white hat.
  Aha!PrinCube is printing picture and English capital letters “COFFEE”...on the white cup. It makes use of the latest technology11, so people can get bright-colored, full-color prints each time!
  Do you feel white shoes boring? Don’t worry, please. The mobile printer can help them. It can make them more beautiful. Look!The mobile color printer is printing some colorful circles on the white shoe!
  The mobile color printer also can print on the metal. Look!It is printing some game pictures on the cover of the apple notebook. A single charge12 brings 6 hours of working time and 1 year of standby13 time! 移动彩色打印机也可以在金属上打印。看!它在苹果笔记本电脑封面上打印游戏图标。一次充电可提供六小时的使用时间和一年的待机时间!
  When it’s time to change the ink box, just open up the device, put in the new ink box, and start printing again!People can get PrinCube printers before Christmas 2019!
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Do you have a hard time learning or studying? Do you want to become a better learner? Well if you follow this guide, you will have no problem mastering the art of learning.  你有学习遇到困难的时候吗?你想成为一个更好的学习者吗
2013年3月26日至3月31日,由中共广东省委宣传部作为指导单位,由中国美术家协会艺术委员会、广州美术学院、广东省美术家协会、岭南画派纪念馆、广东省人民政府文史研究馆联合主办,岭南画院承办的“大道自然——梁如洁中国画展”在中国美术馆举行。  梁如洁女士1953年出生于广州,1975年毕业于广州美术学院中国画系,1978年考取广州美术学院人物画方向研究生,1981年于广州美术学院中国画系研究生毕业
This flier is made in USA. It is made of carbon1 fiber2. It had a successful trial flight in 2018. In 2019, people can buy it. The retail3 price is about 200,000 dollars.  这个飞行器由美国制造,是由碳纤维材质做成的。2018年它
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