1931年 Von Euler 和 Gaddum 从马的脑和小肠中提取出一种能使家兔血压降低、离体肠管收缩且不为阿托品所阻滞的物质,称为 P 物质。长期以来,由于未得到 P 物质的纯品,又缺乏灵敏的测定方法,研究的进展一直缓慢。直到1971年,Chang 和 Leeman 分离、提纯了 P 物质,随后确定了它的化学结构,建立了 P 物质的放射免疫测定方法,才使 P 物质的研究有了较快的进展。现在有一些证据证明 P 物质是一种神经介质,它在中枢神经系统中具有选择性分布和特异性传递通路;特别在痛觉调制中有重要作用。
1931 Von Euler and Gaddum extracted from the horse’s brain and small intestine can make a rabbit blood pressure, isolated bowel contraction and not blocked by atropine substance, known as substance P. For a long time, the research has been slow due to lack of pure substance P and lack of sensitive measurement methods. It was not until 1971 that Chang and Leeman separated and purified substance P, then determined its chemical structure and established a radioimmunoassay method for substance P, which led to a rapid progress in the study of substance P. There is some evidence that substance P is a neurotransmitter that has a selective distribution and specific pathways of transmission in the central nervous system; it plays an important role, especially in pain modulation.