经过20个月的艰苦谈判,WTO 总理事会8月30日终于一致通过了关于实施专利药品强制许可制度的最后文件,从而使贫穷国家在必要时更容易获取用于治疗艾滋病等重大传染性疾病的廉价仿制药品。根据该文件规定,发展中成员和最不发达成员因艾滋病、疟疾、肺结核及其它流行疾病而
After 20 months of arduous negotiations, the WTO General Council finally passed the final document on the implementation of the compulsory licensing of patented medicines on 30 August, so as to make it easier for poor countries to obtain, when necessary, more valuable information for the treatment of major infectious diseases such as AIDS Cheap generic drugs. According to the document, developing members and the least developed members are suffering from AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other epidemics