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(本刊讯)10月30日,自治区流动人口服务和管理丁作会议在伊宁市召开,自治区党委常委、政法委书记、综治委主任朱海仑出席会议并讲话。他说,我区流动人口工作要贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,认真解决对流动人口重管理、轻服务的问题,实现由管理为主转变为服务与管理相结合,积极探索流动人口服务管理新路子。目前我区流动人口已经达3S0多万,约占全区总人口的六分之一,全区各有关部门要积极做好流动人口合法权益保障工作,尽快建立起流动人口维权服务网络,依法维护流动人口的劳动权益和经济利益,严厉打击侵害流动人口合法权益的违法犯罪活动;要改革管理办法,改进管理方式,实现清理整治与日常化有序管理相结合,实现严厉打击与构建治安防控体系相结合。 (Ben Kanxun) On October 30, the Dingzu Conference on Service and Management of Floating Population in the Autonomous Region was held in Yining City. Zhu Hailan, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Politics and Law Committee and director of the Comprehensive Management Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. He said that the work of floating population in our district should implement the scientific concept of development, adhere to the people-oriented principle, and earnestly solve the problem of heavy management and light service for floating population. The transformation from management to service and management shall be actively combined to actively explore the service management of floating population New way. At present, the floating population in our district has reached 3 0 million, accounting for about one sixth of the total population in the region. All relevant departments in the region should actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrants, establish a network of rights protection for migrants as soon as possible, and safeguard their rights according to law The labor rights and interests of the floating population and economic interests should be cracked down to crack down on illegal and criminal activities that infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of the floating population. Reforming management methods, improving management methods, integrating clean-up and rectification and orderly management should be implemented to crack down on public security and control System combination.
2008年8月5日,全国绿化委员会副主任、国家森林防火指挥部总指挥、国家林业局党组书记、局长贾治邦在北京市委常委、市森林防火指挥部总指挥 On August 5, 2008, Jia Zhiban
实验的最终结果证实了警察的猜想,皮夹克上找到的毛发与道格拉斯家中的猫完全匹配。法官认可了这项最有力的证据,道格拉斯最终被判处18年监禁。 The final result of the ex