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严谨治学,笔耕不辍:周国林周国林,男,湖北宜都人,现任华中师范大学历史文化学院教授、博士生导师,兼任中国历史文献研究会名誉会长。从教三十多年来,周国林教授在中国古代经济史、古籍整理与理论研究、国学、湖北地方文献整理等领域辛勤耕耘,已出版专著和整理文献约200万字,整理《张舜徽集》20册。周教授有强烈的责任感,关心研究生的学习、生活和就业,对研究生论文严格把关,逐字逐句审查,让大家形成严谨的学风。功夫不 Rigorous scholarship, penmanship: Zhou Guolin Zhou Guolin, male, Hubei Yidu, now Huazhong Normal University professor of history and culture, doctoral tutor, also serves as honorary president of the Chinese historical literature research association. Over thirty years of teaching, Professor Zhou Guolin has worked hard in areas such as ancient Chinese economic history, ancient books collation and theoretical studies, Chinese studies, and local literature collation in Hubei Province. He has published about 2 million monographs and documents and compiled 20 volumes of Zhang Shunhui. Professor Zhou has a strong sense of responsibility and cares about the study, living and employment of postgraduates. It strictly examines the thesis of postgraduates and scrutinizes them verbatim, so that everyone can form a rigorous style of study. Kung Fu is not
[摘 要] 随着社会不断进步,各类新技术、新材料应运而生,被广泛应用到不同领域、行业中,发挥着关键性作用。在变换器电路运行中,功率开关管属于核心干扰源,设计中必须控制好电磁干扰。因此,以Boost变换器为例,多角度、多层次探讨了功率开关PCB布线设计。  [关 键 词] Boost变换器;功率开关;PCB布线;设计  [中图分类号] TM46 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(
摘 要:在科学技术、信息化飞速发展的今天,制约农村初中化学教学质量的因素是多方面的,认真分析这些制约因素,研究相应对策,对推进素质教育、提高农村初中化学教学质量具有重要的现实意义。  关键词:农村;初中化学;教学质量;提高方法  九年级化学是中学化学学习的启蒙。在农村,教学资源相对匮乏,师资力量相对薄弱,学习氛围相对较差,导致教学的质量相对落后于城市。因此,怎样提高农村初中化学的教学质量是值得我们