本期译介的七个短篇,选自他1991年出版的短篇小说集《马纳西风情》(Les Malassis), 这本小说集共收41个短篇,篇幅短小、精炼,主题鲜明,仿佛是从偏远小城镇寄来的一张张绚丽多彩的明信片。每一篇都经过作者像金银匠般的精雕细琢,内容贴近老百姓的生活,文字活泼,充满幽默情趣马纳西是一个本国人与移民杂居的小镇尽管在阿尔及利亚战争期间,种族主义偏见有死灰复燃的势头,然而意大利人、西班牙人、波兰人、亚美尼亚人、阿拉伯人还是和睦相处。作者笔下都是些平凡的小人物:空等一辈子的歌迷姑娘,苦命的收生婆赛圣母马利亚,每天盼儿子归来的母亲……他们各有自己坎坷、奇特的经历,却又表现出同一的共性。
The seven short stories translated in this issue were taken from Les Malassis, his short story collection published in 1991. This novel contains a total of 41 short stories, short, refined and distinctive, as if from A small colorful postcard from a remote town. Each one has been crafted by an author like a silversmith and has content that is close to the lives of ordinary people. The text is lively and full of humor. Manasi is a small town where both natives and immigrants are living in spite of racist biases during the Algerian War Resurgence of momentum, however, Italians, Spaniards, Poles, Armenians, Arabs live in harmony. The author’s writings are all ordinary little people: the fans waiting for the rest of his life, the bitter mother-in-law of Sanna Mary, and the mother who is looking forward to his son’s return every day ... They each have their own rough and peculiar experiences but show the same commonality .