通过室内饲养试验观察及仓库内调查 ,研究了云南玉溪地区烟草粉螟年生活史 ;温湿度对其卵的孵化及幼虫生长发育的影响 ;成虫的羽化、交配、寿命与产卵量等生物学特性。该研究的结果将为烟草粉螟的综合防治提供有价值的信息
According to the indoor feeding experiment and the investigation in the warehouse, the annual life history of tobacco powdery miller was studied in Yuxi, Yunnan Province. The effects of temperature and humidity on the hatching and larval growth of eggs and the biology of emergence, mating, longevity and fecundity of adults characteristic. The results of this study will provide valuable information for the comprehensive control of tobacco powdery mildew