The world’s first cartoon-style combination of historical and traditional Cantonese opera singing “unruly princess 戆 驸 horse” to meet with the audience, the famous Cantonese opera artist, 76-year-old red line female parent script adaptation, director, art director, and for the play In Fengxia Princess dubbing. The Red Line Girl said: “This is an art form of cinema, Cantonese opera and animation trilogy.” Cantonese opera now has a lot of audience support, and we Cantonese opera workers must work hard to help themselves and promote the art of Cantonese opera. "The old artist The inheritance and flourishing of Cantonese opera art can be described as painstaking work and love of Cantonese opera art and sincere awe-inspiring, and this exploratory practice of art forms not only allow more people to appreciate the unique charm of Cantonese opera art, but also for our discussion of ethnic How traditional arts and culture flourished in the process of modernization provided a new way of thinking.