建国以来,我国森林采运工业有了很大发展。从1949年到1985年共生产木材13.5亿 m~3,平均每十年增加产量一千万 m~3;目前有131个国营采运企业局,职工126万人;采运综合机械化已达到89%以上,基本上实现了机械化作业;有几十个林机修造厂为森林采运工业生产各种类型的机械设备和零部件;在国有林区中,建立了156个大、中修厂,1100个保修网点;全国有一所采运研究所,有8所高等林业院校设置森林采运工程专业;在中国林学会领导下成立了森林采运学会。当前,我国的森林采运工业已初具规模,形成了较完整的工业体系。
Since the founding of the PRC, our country’s forest mining industry has made great progress. From 1949 to 1985, a total of 1.35 billion m 3 of wood was produced, with an average increase of 10 million m 3 every ten years. At present, there are 131 state-owned enterprises of mining and transportation enterprises with 1.26 million workers and workers. The comprehensive mechanized mining has reached 89 In the state-owned forest area, a total of 156 large and medium-sized repair factories have been set up, 1100 warranty outlets; there is a National Institute of Transportation, there are eight colleges and universities set up forest mining engineering; under the leadership of the Chinese Society of Forestry set up a Forest Mining Institute. At present, China’s forest mining industry has begun to take shape, forming a more complete industrial system.