现代科技进步,电脑屏幕时时刻刻能展示网上社群中个别用户的在线状态。自从今年1月开始,我在这里发表了两篇针对投影字幕的文章,应该是时候找一位名副其实的专家来谈谈了。突然间,电脑屏幕的小绿灯亮起来:克莉·埃里森(Cori Ellison),当今歌剧字幕女王,正巧在线。如果你曾在美国看过歌剧演出的话,十有八九,应该看过克莉撰写的英语字幕。前几年,纽约大都会歌剧院与市立歌剧院都推出过《唐乔瓦尼》(Don Giovanni)。两个制
With the advancement of science and technology, the computer screen can always display the online status of individual users in the online community. Since January of this year, I have published two articles for projection subtitles here, it is time to find an authentic expert to talk about. Suddenly, the small green light on the computer screen lit up: Cori Ellison, now the operatic queen of the opera, happens to be online. If you have ever seen opera performances in the United States, you might have seen the English subtitles written by Cleary. A few years ago, Don Giovanni was introduced by the Metropolitan Opera in New York and the Metropolitan Opera. Two systems