世界卫生组织(WHO)将药品不良反应 (Adversedrug reactions,简称ADR)定义为:质量检 验合格药药品在正常用法用量情况下出现的与用药 目的无关的或意外的有害反应。ADR监测是指对上 市药品不良反应的发现、报告、评价和控制。其目的 是指导合理用药,减少相同ADR的再次发生。2004
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Adversedrug reactions (ADRs) as quality tests of unhealthy or unintended adverse reactions of quality-assured good-quality pharmaceutical products at normal usage levels that are not related to the purpose of the medication. ADR monitoring refers to the discovery, reporting, evaluation and control of ADRs on listed drugs. The purpose is to guide the rational use of drugs to reduce the recurrence of the same ADR. 2004