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目的分析连云港市乙肝发病趋势,为制订科学防治对策提供依据。方法用Epiinfo3.3.2软件对1997-2008年乙肝报告发病数据进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 12年间共报告乙肝病例9483例,报告发病率从1997年的24.69/10万下降到2008年的9.86/10万,下降了60.1%,趋势检验有统计学意义(χ~(2trend)=78.00,P<0.01);其中15岁以下儿童以下乙肝报告发病率由1997年的12.45/10万,下降到2008年的0.57/10万,下降了95.4%。乙肝报告发病率高发的新浦区和连云区分别下降了92.7%、80.5%,赣榆县下降了17.2%。55.1%的病例是农民,12.6%是学生,散居儿童(1.2%)多于幼托儿童(0.3%),商业服务人员仅占1.3%。乙肝疫苗调查接种率(除2001年外)均在90%以上。急性乙肝报告病例诊断率逐年提高,由2006年的17.1%上升到2008年的59.2%;未分类逐年下降,由2006年的70.0%下降到2008年的15.5%。结论该市乙肝发病逐年呈现下降趋势,在提高新生儿出生后首针接种及时率同时,应加强农村人群和重点人群的乙肝免疫工作,确保实现《2006-2010年全国乙型病毒性肝炎防治规划》的目标。 Objective To analyze the trend of hepatitis B in Lianyungang and provide the basis for formulating scientific prevention and control measures. Methods Epiinfo3.3.2 software was used to carry out a descriptive epidemiological analysis on the incidence of hepatitis B in 1997-2008 data. Results A total of 9483 hepatitis B cases were reported in 12 years. The reported incidence decreased from 24.69 / 100 in 1997 to 9.86 / 100 in 2008, down by 60.1%. The trend test was statistically significant (χ ~ 2trend = 78.00 , P <0.01). Among them, the incidence of hepatitis B below 15 years old dropped from 12.45 / 100,000 in 1997 to 0.57 / 100000 in 2008, down by 95.4%. Xinpu District and Liangyun District, where the incidence of hepatitis B was reported, dropped by 92.7% and 80.5% respectively, while that of Ganyu County dropped by 17.2%. 55.1% were farmers, 12.6% were students, 1.2% were diasporas (0.3%) and only 1.3% were business service workers. Vaccination rate of hepatitis B vaccine survey (except 2001) are more than 90%. The diagnosis rate of acute hepatitis B reported year by year increased from 17.1% in 2006 to 59.2% in 2008; the classification decreased year by year from 70.0% in 2006 to 15.5% in 2008. Conclusions The incidence of hepatitis B in the city shows a decreasing trend year by year. In order to improve the timeliness of the first needle inoculation after newborn birth, hepatitis B immunization should be strengthened in rural population and key population so as to ensure the realization of “National Plan of Hepatitis B Prevention and Control 2006-2010” The goal.
The cerebral cortical expansion index refers to the ratio between left and right cortex width and is recognized as an indicator for cortical hyperplasia. Cerebr
介绍了有机发泡剂在贮存和使用过程中产生冒烟和自燃着火的原因,并对其产生的原因进行了归纳与讨论,可为乳化炸药的生产提供参考。 The reasons for smoke and spontaneous
目的探讨质子泵抑制剂对消化性溃疡出血的疗效。方法 55例为海伦市人民医院消化内科2a来住院的消化性溃疡出血患者,均排除慢性肝病、血液病等影响凝血机制疾病患者,随机分为A