奥林巴斯的美型设计从著名设计师米谷美久开始,至今仍然影响深远,Pen F便是他的经典之作,然而这台小巧高素质的半格相机却吸引了著名战地摄影师尤金·史密斯。威廉·尤金·史密斯生卒时间:1918年~1978年国籍:美国代表作:《智子入浴》、《通向天堂之路》、《三K党》参与事件:第二次世界大战Olympus Pen F出品国家:日本出品年代:1963相机类型:半格单反
Olympus’s beautiful design from the famous designer Miwa Miu long, still far-reaching impact, Pen F is his classic, but this compact high-quality half-cell camera has attracted the famous battlefield photographer Eugene Smith. William Eugene Smith Birth date: 1918-1978 Nationality: The United States of America Representative works: “Tomoko bath”, “The road to paradise”, “KK” Participation in: World War II Olympus Pen F produced Country: Japan Production year: 1963 Camera type: Semi-SLR