【摘 要】
We investigate the elastic behavior of a natural clinozoisite under about 20.4 GPa at 300 K using in situ angledispersive x-ray diffraction and a diamond anvil
We investigate the elastic behavior of a natural clinozoisite under about 20.4 GPa at 300 K using in situ angledispersive x-ray diffraction and a diamond anvil cell at the National Synchrotron Light Source,Brookhaven National Laboratory.Over this pressure range,no phase change or disproportionation has been observed.The isothermal equation of state is determined.The values of Vo and Ko refined by the Muaghan equation of state are Vo =460.0 ± 0.2(A)3,Ko =138 ± 3 GPa.Consequently,it can be concluded that the compressibility of clinozoisite under high pressures is accurately constrained.
Nanowire stiction is a crucial bottleneck for the development of M/NEMS devices.We present a model of a nano-beam stuck to the substrate in consideration of bot
姥爷是开国元勋,太姥爷是著名科学家钱伟长,爷爷也是一位科学家,但这些光环并没有给孔一诺的成长带来什么方便。 一天,妈妈问爸爸,“孩子是在羊群中成长快,还是在狼群中成长快?”爸爸说:“当然是狼群。”妈妈说:“这可是你说的啊……”就这样,孔一诺从北京被抛到了西方遥远的“狼群”中——成为美国翠谷军校中学部有史以来第一位中国学生。 刚到美国,让孔一诺觉得最“恐怖”的是他的教官:“他简直就是个‘魔鬼’,
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We prepare Pd40.5Ni40.5P19 glassy samples with purified ingots by copper mold casting at a high cooling rate and by water quenching at a low cooling rate.Both o