网络流量模型是网络规划设计和性能分析的基础问题 .该文在分析实际网络测试所得数据的基础上提出一个周期性对数突发流量模型 .不同于传统的基于概率统计模型 ,该模型主要考虑网络流量的周期性和突发特性 .在测试流量数据的基础上通过函数拟合的方法求解流量突发上界的时间特性 .应用该模型给出了在已知模型参数的条件下 ,网络互连的基本单元——路由器输入、输出接口的传输能力、缓存大小以及交换单元处理能力等必须满足的性能指标 .
Network traffic model is the basic problem of network planning and performance analysis.This paper proposes a periodic logarithmic burst traffic model based on the analysis of the data obtained from the actual network test.Compared with the traditional probability-based statistical model, this model mainly considers The periodic and burst characteristics of network traffic are solved by using the function fitting method based on the test traffic data.The application of the model gives the optimal performance of the network interaction under the condition of the known model parameters Even the basic unit - router input, output interface transmission capacity, cache size, and switching unit processing power must meet the performance indicators.