将明锐互动引人中国的第一个因缘始于2002年,当时Don Eperson首次访问中国。在参加由我安排的所有会议后,Don开玩笑说我是明锐互动在中国的第一个员工,我觉得他这么说是出于对我的赞赏。第二个因缘与好耶和明锐互动终止一项合作有关。我们可以很容易找到2006年中期明锐互动与好耶合作的
The first one that brought Octagon interaction to China started in 2002, when Don Eperson first visited China. After attending all the meetings arranged by me, Don joked that I was the first employee of Octavia Interactive in China and I think he was out of appreciation of him. The second cause is related to the termination of a cooperation by a good Lord and Octavia. We can easily find the mid-2006 Octavia interaction and goodyear cooperation