近日读了《医治公文通病 提高公文质量》(载于《秘书》1997年第9期)一文,很受启发,但愿李欣同志的振臂一呼能引起各行业对公文制作质量的更厂泛的关注。 联系实际,感触尤多。公文作为宣传上级方针政策、联系具体事务的工具,在企业生产经营中发挥的作用是毋庸置疑的。但公文制作不严谨、务虚不务实的现象也时有发生。求买是公文的生命,红头文件代表上级机关权威的声音,更应该贴近实
I recently read the article “Healing Diseases of the Official Document to Improve the Quality of Public Documents” (contained in “Secretary”, No. 9, 1997), and was very much inspired. I hope Comrade Li Xin can make every effort to make the quality of official documents even more extensive s concern. Contact with reality, feeling more. Official documents as a propaganda policy and contact specific matters, in the production and operation of enterprises play a role is beyond doubt. However, the production of official documents is not rigorous and the pragmatic phenomenon is also happening from time to time. Seeking to buy is the life of a document, the red document represents the authority of the higher authorities voice, but should be close to reality