随着汉诺威大奖赛总决赛的落幕,1996年国际职业网坛的赛事终于有了一个完满的结尾。当时间毫不停顿地迈向1997年时,我们不妨回过头来,再体味一下那充满了激情与兴奋的一年。 男子网坛,1996年是一个群雄并举的时期。在1995年,网坛双雄桑普拉斯与阿加西的光芒格外耀眼,而在去年,阿加西已失去了他夺目的锋芒,桑普拉斯也一度陷于低谷。在网坛的这个“真空期”,数位选手均有可能染指世界第一的王座。然而,当’96赛季终结时,时间公正地证明了两位网坛英雄不可动摇的地位,他们是桑普拉斯和贝克尔。 1996年对桑普拉斯来说是非同寻常的一年。在迈入这个赛季时,他已连续三年在年终排名世界第一并有7个大满贯赛事的头衔。俗话说:“创业难,守业更难”,已是战绩辉煌的桑普拉斯有足够的力量去拓展自己的业绩吗?人们有理由提出这个疑问。去年
With the finals of the Hannover Grand Prix ended, in 1996 the international professional tennis event finally has a complete end. As time progresses without hesitation toward 1997, we may wish to turn around and appreciate the year full of passion and excitement. Men’s tennis, 1996 is a period of warlords simultaneously. In 1995, tennis double Sampras and Agassi’s dazzling light, and in the past year, Agassi has lost his eye-catching edge, and Sampras once downturn. In this tennis “vacuum period”, the number of players are likely to encroach on the throne of the world. However, when the season ended in ’96, it was time to justify the unshakable status of the two tennis heroes, Sampras and Becker. 1996 was an extraordinary year for Sampras. At the end of the season, he has been ranked number one in the world for the third year in a row and has seven Grand Slam titles. As the saying goes: “difficult to start a business, keep the business more difficult,” is already a brilliant Sampras has enough strength to expand their performance? People have reason to raise this question. last year