黄色象征单纯、活跃。 黄色是心情欢乐、透明的人的首选颜色。 巧妙地使用黄色,会让你的居室充满浓浓诗意,那是一缕缕带着阳光的气息、芳草的清香的律动,欲言却止,无声似乎比有声诉说更多更多的内容。 窗外,春意盎然,仿佛无比喧闹。窗内,清爽的餐桌和华贵的陈设未免奢侈。让黄色来解决她们的纷争吧!她让窗外的春天的喧闹静止成为孩童们眼嘴的欢笑,她让窗内的华贵和奢侈变成简朴的装点。黄色,把天然和高尚的趣味合成一体。
Yellow symbol of simple, active. Yellow is the mood of joy, transparent color of choice for people. Clever use of yellow, will make your living room full of deep poetic, it is a plume of breath with the sun, the fragrance of lawn rhythm, but to speak, silent seems to be more than the voices tell more content. Outside the window, spring, as if noisy. Window, refreshing table and luxurious furnishings are luxurious. Let the yellow to solve their disputes! She let the quiet spring out of the window as the children’s eyes laughter, she let the windows of luxury and luxury into a simple decoration. Yellow, the natural and noble taste of one.