在中国及亚洲顶级的工程机械行业盛会——bauma china 2016(上海宝马展)上,近3000家工程机械跨国巨头和自主品牌制造商使出浑身解数推出其创新产品。由永茂建工公司设计生产的全球吊重最大的平头式塔机——永茂STT3330-160吨塔机展台前人头攒动,为今年的展会赚足眼球。国内外客商都纷纷远道前来一睹这台“巨无霸”的芳容,与它合影留念。原来,这台“巨无霸”不仅填补
In China and Asia’s top construction machinery industry event - Bauma china 2016 (Shanghai BMW Show), nearly 3000 construction machinery multinational giants and own-brand manufacturers have tried their best to launch their innovative products. Designed and manufactured by Yongmao Construction Company, the world’s largest flathead tower crane, the world’s largest hoist tower crane, stands at the forerunner’s stand of the YTMT STT3330-160T tower crane this year. Domestic and foreign merchants have come to see this one from afar “Big Mac ” Fang Rong, take a photo with it. It turned out that this Taiwan “giant” not only to fill