
来源 :民国春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WUTEK2008
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1901年,胡兰畦出生于古城成都.成年后,她毅然放弃了锦衣玉食的生活,摆脱了与年轻商人杨固之没有爱情的婚姻,怀着一腔热血,于1926年冬考取了黄埔军校武汉军事政治分校,开始了一段崭新的革命生涯.1927年5月中旬,胡兰畦所在的中央军校接到紧急命令,编入中央独立师,武装起来,由叶挺统一指挥,奔赴前线.西征大军凯旋而归,胜利的欢笑声还在革命阵营中回荡,武汉军校便被宣布解散,胡兰畦留在武汉追随何香凝,做了许多团结进步青年、团结左派的工作.1930年初,胡兰畦几经辗转,来到德国首都柏林留学.不久,她便由廖承志介绍,加入了德国共产党中国语言组,积极从事反帝反法西斯的革命活动. In 1901, she was born in the ancient city of Chengdu.After she became young, she resolutely gave up the life of silk clothing and jade food, and got rid of the marriage with young businessman Yang Gu-zhi without love. With a passionate examination in the winter of 1926, The military academy of Wuhan Military and Political Branch started a brand new revolutionary career. In mid-May 1927, Hu Lanqian’s Central Military Academy received an emergency order, incorporated into the Central Independent Division, armed with Ye Ting unified command, rushed to the front. Levitation of the army triumphant return, the victory of laughter is still echoed in the revolutionary camp, the Wuhan military school was announced the dissolution of Hu Lanqian stay in Wuhan follow He Xiangning, did a lot of unity and progress of youth, unite the leftist work .1930 early, After several years of study, she went to study in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and shortly afterwards she was introduced by Liao Chengzhi, joined the German Communist Party’s Chinese language group, and actively engaged in revolutionary activities against imperialism and anti-fascism.