There are at least 4 therapies for delayed skin type porphyria and they continue to be used to date as they improve clinical symptoms and biochemical tests. Although effective treatment can often make the beginning of 24 hours a significant increase in urinary porphyrin excretion, then reduced to normal levels, but the clinical line. After having had no regular association with this biochemical test result, at least 3 clinically typical patients were encountered before urinary porphyrin was added after stimulation with chloroquine. On the contrary, some patients have been relieved of clinical symptoms, but daily urinary porphyrin is still discharged 500 to 1000 micrograms. McEwen reported 268 out of 1,774 psychiatric in-patients who reported porphyrin urination but no other evidence of porphyria. The author believes that the urinary output of porphyrin and serum levels sometimes can not reflect the severity of the disease, such as the rapid and accurate determination of various tissues of porphyrin