1989年9月25日,梅河口市师范学校发生一起主要由集体食堂饮食污染所致的细菌性痢疾暴发。首例病人是食堂管理员,9月1日发病,9月17日至20日病例急剧上升,此期发病99例,占总发病数的81.81%,然后疫情急剧下降,26日疫情终止,共发病153例,罹患率为16.96%(153/902)。男性的罹患率显著高于女性(X~2=5.01 p<0.05)。
On September 25, 1989, an outbreak of bacillary dysentery was reported in Meihekou Normal School, which was caused mainly by the contamination of the canteens in the collective canteens. The first patient was a canteen manager who became ill on September 1, and the number of cases rose sharply from September 17 to September 20, with 99 cases accounting for 81.81% of the total. The epidemic dropped sharply and the epidemic stopped on the 26th. The incidence of 153 cases, the attack rate was 16.96% (153/902). The prevalence of males was significantly higher than that of females (X ~ 2 = 5.01 p <0.05).