上海天生有中产底蕴,只要天时地利人和条件成熟,上海人的中产品位,比香港人有过之而无不及。上海从来有“夜上海”和“不夜城”之称,近几年的夜上海,风彩越来越迷人。作为国际都会,夜生活是十分重要的不可缺的一道风景,也是海外投资者对投资环境很看重的一个计分内容。 上海的“吧”,比香港多元:既有用古典老宅翻造改装的怀旧吧,也有以“现代”为卖点的如“汽车吧”,步行街上的露天吧,不亚于法国巴黎的露天咖啡座,而且
Shanghai has a natural heritage, as long as the favorable conditions and conditions, Shanghai’s middle class, more than Hong Kong people. Shanghai has always been called “Night Shanghai” and “Never Sleeps”. In recent years, Shanghai has become more attractive and charming. As a cosmopolitan city, nightlife is a very important and indispensable part of the landscape. It is also a scoring element that overseas investors value their investment environment. Shanghai’s “it”, more diverse than Hong Kong: Both the old renovated with the old nostalgia of the old bar, but also to the “modern” as a selling point, such as “car”, pedestrian street open bar, no less than the French coffee in Paris Block, but also