为了使我国从事复合材料科研、教学、生产、使用的广大科技人员了解1989年将在我国召开的第七届复合材料国际学术会议(ICCM-Ⅶ)的筹备情况和一些有关规定,现将ICC-M-Ⅶ组织委员会第二次工作会议的情况报导如下: 第七届复合材料国际学术会议组织委员会第二次工作会议于1988年7月25日~26日在辽宁省兴城市举行。出席会议的组织委员会成员有:顾震隆、屠德彰、宋焕成、陈绍杰、罗祖道、蒋咏秋、王震呜、范赋群、于翅、王曼霞、聂嘉阳、赵家祥、马淑雅等13人,缺席3
In order to make China’s scientific and technical personnel engaged in the research, teaching, production and use of composite materials aware of the preparations for the 7th International Symposium on Composites (ICCM-VII) to be held in China in 1989 and some related provisions, the ICC- The second working conference of M-Ⅶ Organization Committee was reported as follows: The second working conference of the Seventh International Conference on Composites of International Composites was held in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province from July 25 to July 26, 1988. Attending the meeting were 13 members of the organizing committee: Gu Zhenlong, Tu Dezhang, Song Huancheng, Chen Shaojie, Luo Zudao, Jiang Yongqiu, Wang Zhenwu, Fan Fuqun, Yu Zhi, Wang Manxia, Nie Jiayang, Zhao Jiaxiang and Ma Shuya, absent 3