人的行为如果跟“偷”字联系起来,终归是一件不大光彩的事情。但近日反思人生,总忘不掉我的一件劣迹,那就是我确曾怀着忐忑乃至恐惧的心情行过一次窃,虽然偷的只不过是一把生糠。 事情发生在1960年冬或1961年春,当时被称为“三年自然灾害时期”——当然,现在有人说那不是天灾,而是人祸,或者说三分天灾,七分人祸。对这种问题做结论不是本文的任务。我只知道,那时举国上下都已勒紧裤腰带了。承蒙组织信任,我作为浩浩荡荡的河北省委工作组的一员,被派赴旱灾严重、反动会道门猖狂的邯郸专区去抓“三类队”。所谓“三
If the behavior of people with the “steal” word linked, after all, is a small thing. Recently, however, I have never failed to reflect on my life and never forget one of my misdeeds. That is, I did conduct a steal in the mood of fear and even fear. Although I stole nothing more than a raw pig. It happened in the winter of 1960 or the spring of 1961, at the time it was called the “Three-year Natural Disaster Period.” Of course, some people now say that it is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, or a third of a natural disaster and a man of seven. Conclusion of this issue is not the task of this article. I only know that when the whole country has tightened their belts up and down. With the trust of the organization, as a member of the mighty Hebei Provincial Party Committee, I was dispatched to the “three types of teams” in the Handan area where the drought is severe and the reactionary reactionaries are rampant. The so-called "three