
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lgl5201314
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近日,中国农药信息网刊载了一篇文章,标题是《2017年市值6亿美元的农药专利产品即将到期》。几乎在同一时间,“农药市场信息”等微信公众号以及其他网站都全文转发了这篇文章。文中谈到,螺虫乙酯、氟嘧菌酯、五氟磺草胺等重要农药品种的专利保护期将于2017年到期。农药圈的朋友们看到这条消息后,纷纷摩拳擦掌,恨不得日期一到就立马上个项目。鉴于专利问题对农药企业立项比较重要,并且农药项目的投资额并 Recently, China Pesticide Information Network published an article titled “The 2017 $ 600 million Pesticide Patents Will Be Expired.” Almost at the same time, this article was reposted in full text on WeChat public websites such as “Pesticide Market Information” and other websites. The article mentioned that spirotetramat, fluoxastrobin, penoxsulam and other important pesticide varieties of patent protection period will expire in 2017. Pesticide circle friends to see this news, have gearing up, wait for the date immediately to the last project. In view of the patented issue of pesticide companies more important project, and the amount of investment in pesticide projects and
本文从黑漆消杂光机理的分析入手,提出了光学透镜消杂光黑漆的配方设计原则,探讨了研制工艺,进行了性能的评价。 This paper starts from the analysis of the mechanism of