2003年7月下旬至8月初,本刊记者随中外建发展股份有限公司用户服务小分队顶烈日、冒酷暑,驱车大西北,往返行程2500km,寻访到2002年4月下线、迄今已在陕西境内的3条高速公路段连续作业2120h的“天工”第5000台平地机。这台型号为PY200的大功率平地机是“天工”品牌在新时期的代表作。它是在吸收德国O&K FAUN公司技术的基础上,根据早些时候研制PY180型的经验,考虑到中国国情而最新开发的机型。
From late July to early August 2003, our correspondent, with the service team of China State-Owned Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., went to the top of the scorching sun, took a heat and drove northwest with a round-trip of 2,500km and went offline until April 2002, The territory of the three sections of the highway 2120h continuous operation “Heavenly” 5000th grader. This model PY200 high-power grader is “Heavenly” brand masterpiece in the new era. It is based on the absorption of German technology company O & K FAUN, based on earlier experience in developing PY180 type, taking into account China’s national conditions and newly developed models.