The upper tertiary to quaternary is the main target layer for oil and gas exploitation in Mainland China, especially crude oil production in the Bohai Basin accounts for approximately 40% of China’s crude oil production. Therefore, a study of the Upper Tertiary to Quaternary has important significance for science and practical applications. In this study, using the receiver function method, Ps and later phase extraction, the sedimentary thickness and an accurate estimate of velocity ratio can be obtained. The technique is simple, its calculation results are unique, and it can be applied to a study of the sedimentary layer. The technique is promising for oil and gas exploration.
The upper tertiary to quaternary is the main target layer for oil and gas exploitation in Mainland China, especially crude oil production in the Bohai Basin accounts for about 40% of China’s crude oil production. Therefore, a study of the Upper Tertiary to Quaternary has important Significance for science and practical applications. In this study, using the receiver function method, Ps and later phase extraction, the sedimentary thickness and an accurate estimate of velocity ratio can be obtained. The technique is simple, its calculation results are unique, and it can be applied to a study of the sedimentary layer. The technique is promising for oil and gas exploration.