BOT是英文Build Operate Transfer的缩写,一般直译为建造、经营和移交,具体含义是指政府(或政府授权的机构)与国内外营利性组织或个人通过特许协议,授权此组织或个人组建项目公司,在特许期限内进行基础性设施或基础性工业项目的融资、设计、建造、经营与维护,以回收投资、获取收益,在特许期届满后将设施或项目资产无偿移交给政府。BOT既是一
BOT is the abbreviation of English Build Operate Transfer, generally literal translation for the construction, operation and transfer, the specific meaning is the government (or government authorized agencies) and domestic and foreign for-profit organizations or individuals through a franchise agreement, authorize the organization or individual to set up the project company , To finance, design, construct, operate and maintain infrastructure facilities or infrastructure projects within the concession period in order to recover the investment and generate revenue, and transfer the facilities or project assets to the government free of charge after the expiry of the concession period. BOT is one