长委 4月12日~16日,长江上游水土保持重点防治区第二次会议在甘肃陇南地区召开。总结了去年工作经验,落实了1991年的防治任务。 5月18日,由长委施工处参加设计的国内最大船上水厂在武汉市正式向市区送水。该成果已拟定为三峡工程施工供水方案之一。 5月27日,荆江分洪北闸加固工程按原计划胜利竣工。 7月6日,李鹏总理为即将发电的万安水利枢纽工程题词:“开发赣江,为革命老区人民造福”。 9月21日,国务院发文同意并批转由长委编写的《长江流域综合利用规划简要报告》。 10月20日,国家“七五”科技攻关的大坝快速施工技术研究——坝基开挖爆破技术研究
On April 12-16, the long committees held the second meeting of key areas for soil and water conservation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Longnan Prefecture of Gansu Province. Summed up last year’s work experience and implemented the prevention and control task in 1991. On May 18, the largest domestic shipyard water plant, which was designed by the Construction Committee of the Committee of the Yangtze River, formally sent water to the urban area in Wuhan. The achievement has been formulated as one of the Three Gorges Project construction water supply plan. May 27, Jingjiang flood diversion project to complete the original gatekeeper victory. On July 6, Premier Li Peng wrote an inscription for the upcoming Wanan Project: “Developing the Ganjiang River and benefiting the people in the old revolutionary base areas.” On September 21, the State Council issued a document and approved the “Summary Report on Comprehensive Utilization Planning of the Yangtze River Basin” prepared by the Committee. On October 20, Research on Fast Construction Technology of Dam in Scientific Research of National “Seventh Five-Year Plan” - Research on Excavation and Blasting Technology for Dam Foundation