Singapore is ruled by law and has achieved outstanding results. The achievement of these achievements, first of all, effective in the legislative success. The Singapore leader understands that law is the vanguard of order and that good laws lead to a good social order. Therefore, they draw extensively and painstakingly explore and get out of a legislative path that suits Singapore’s national conditions. In order to speed up and improve our legislative work, it is necessary to study and learn from Singapore’s legislative experience. Singapore’s legislative experience mainly includes the following aspects: First, the specific. Singapore’s legal norms, closely linked with people’s daily lives, very specific, can be described as specific Kung Fu, small now strict. Singapore law stipulates that drivers and passengers of private cars or taxis must wear seat belts or face heavy penalties. Riding a motorcycle or riding a back seat must wear a helmet, or will be subject to heavy penalties; in order to prevent spit or spit, or urinate, developed the corresponding legal provisions;