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一、玉米田除草剂品种与技术的发展及特点1.玉米田除草剂的发展阶段第一阶段:莠去津除草阶段:20世纪60年代末国外广泛用于玉米田除草,80年代初我国在农垦系统大面积试验示范,此时莠去津主要依靠进口。第二阶段:三氮苯类与酰胺类药剂混用除草阶段:三氮苯类主要有莠去津、赛克津、草净津。酰胺类主要有甲草胺、乙草胺、异丙甲草胺等。80年代中期开始试验,以国外 First, the development and characteristics of corn field herbicide varieties and technology 1. Corn field herbicide development stage The first stage: Atrazine weeding stage: the late 1960s abroad is widely used in weedy corn fields, the early 80s in China Land reclamation system large-scale pilot demonstration, this time atrazine mainly rely on imports. The second stage: Triazoles and amides mixed with herbicides stage: triazoles mainly atrazine Atrazine, Seijin, Kusakabe Jin. Amides are alachlor, acetochlor, metolachlor and so on. The mid-80s began testing to foreign countries