
来源 :南方民族考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbo
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古文献和历史文物都是古代史史料。在研究过程中,可利用这两种史料互相比较,提出问题,探讨解决,从而逐渐恢复古代史的真面目。公元前二世纪末,汉武帝设置益州郡,并赐滇王金印,复长其民,这无疑是云南古代史上一件有深远历史意义的大事,但古文献记载却很简略。《史记·西南夷列传》记载:“上使王然于以越破及诛南夷兵威风谕滇王入朝。滇王者,其众数万人,其旁东北有劳浸、靡 Ancient literature and historical relics are historical documents. In the process of research, we can make use of these two kinds of historical materials to compare with each other, put forward questions, explore solutions, and gradually restore the true features of ancient history. At the end of the second century BC, the establishment of Yizhou County by Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty and the grant of Dian Wang Jinyin and the restoration of its population were undoubtedly a historic event of far-reaching significance in the ancient history of Yunnan. However, the records of ancient documents were very brief. ”Historical Records of Southwest Yi Biography“ records: ”On the Wang Ran in order to break through and punish Nan Yi Wei Wei Feng encyclical Dian Wang into the DPRK king of Yunnan, its tens of thousands of people, bordering the northeast of the labor leaching, extravagant
某些种类的动物为了生存,在漫长的进化过程中,形成了这样或那样的欺骗本领。如果仔细分析起来,骗术的种类还不少呢。  一、形骗  欧洲鲫鱼是金鱼和鲫鱼的近亲,但它有高超的变形能力。它们的死对头是梭鱼,当两鱼相遇时,欧洲鲫鱼就会施展绝技,立即鼓起背脊上的肌肉,使身体增大几倍。即使梭鱼擒到它,也拿它没办法,因为变形膨胀的欧洲鲫鱼,根本吞不下去,只好眼睁睁地让它从嘴边溜掉。  生活在巴西美丽大草原上的果舌蛇
摘 要:近几年农村蔬菜市场价格起伏大,给农村经济正常向前发展造成了不良影响,社会资源也遭到极大浪费。本文从代理商角度出发,探讨发展农村商务代理的背景,农村商务代理所面临的问题,农村商务代理的运作方法、盈利模式和佣金制度以及农村商务代理的经营扩展与后续发展等,寻求农村商务代理的发展道路。  关键词:代理商;农村商务;运作发展  中图分类号:F323 文献标识码:A   doi:10.3969/j