建筑企业实行流动资金全额信贷,对加快工程进度,加速资金周转,起了积极的作用,然而也存在一些具体问题需要解决. 一、建筑企业正在推行工程竣工后一次结算,为了减少结算中的纠纷,避免在整体工程竣工后一次结算时问题积累太多,对于工期长、规模大的单位工程,可采取分段(或部分)单独验收,办理结算;对于单位工程的桩基工程和土建工程应分开验收,分开结算;对于跨年度施工
Construction enterprises to implement the full amount of liquidity credit, to speed up the progress of the project, accelerate the flow of funds has played a positive role, but there are also some specific problems to be solved .1, construction companies are implementing the project after the completion of a settlement, in order to reduce the settlement Disputes, to avoid the settlement of a project in the overall project after the accumulation of too many, for a long duration, large-scale units of the project, can take a separate (or part of) separate acceptance, for settlement; unit engineering pile foundation and civil engineering Should be separately tested and accepted separately; For construction across the year