一、概述心率计用来测量心跳的频率,有两种基本形式:一种是在一段较长的时间内(例如一分钟或十五秒钟)统计心跳次数,从而得出这一时期中的平均心率,这是医生听诊的一般方法。对于近代的临床监护工作,这种方法由于不能及时反映心率节律的均匀与否而表现出缺点。因此近十年来,另一种心率计——逐扪心率计的研制引起医用仪器界的关注。逐拍心率计测量的是两次心拍的间隔时间 T,然后经过
First, an overview of the heart rate meter used to measure the frequency of heartbeats, there are two basic forms: one is in a long period of time (for example, one minute or fifteen seconds) the number of heartbeats, to arrive at this period Average heart rate, which is the doctor’s auscultation of the general method. For modern clinical monitoring work, this method shows shortcomings because it can not reflect the rhythm of heart rate in time. Therefore, in the past ten years, the development of another type of heart rate monitor - the heart rate monitor - has drawn the attention of the medical instrument community. Take a beat heart rate meter is measured twice the heartbeat interval T, and then through