A Distributed Service Composition Method Based on Service Association

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjtcqp
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In this paper, a Web service composition architecture based on structured P2P network is proposed. Semantics is used to achieve service accurately matching and user personality customi-zation. Through Web service virtual mapping(WVM) association the fast computing of distributed service composition based on the service function is also implemented. The Web service composi-tion architecture and distributed service composition algorithm proposed in this paper solve a series of existent problems in ser-vice discovery and composition in distributed environment, and provide a service composition result meeting user personality re-quirement. At the same time, they improve the efficiency of ser-vice composition calculation. Through this Web service composition architecture based on structured P2P network is proposed. Semantics is used to achieve service accurate matching and user personality customi-zation. Through Web service virtual mapping (WVM) association the fast computing of distributed service composition based on the service function is also implemented. The Web service composi-tion architecture and distributed service composition algorithm proposed in this paper solve a series of existent problems in ser-vice discovery and composition in distributed environment, and provide a service composition result meeting user personality re -quirement. At the same time, they improve the efficiency of ser-vice composition calculation.
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