【摘 要】
冬剪时间最好在猕猴桃落叶后开始 ,一般在12月中下旬至翌年2月中旬为宜。冬剪对象主要是科学地、适度地对猕猴桃的结果母枝修剪和枝蔓更新修剪。同时还要全面地疏除各部位的枯死
冬剪时间最好在猕猴桃落叶后开始 ,一般在12月中下旬至翌年2月中旬为宜。冬剪对象主要是科学地、适度地对猕猴桃的结果母枝修剪和枝蔓更新修剪。同时还要全面地疏除各部位的枯死枝、细弱枝、病虫枝、重叠枝以及无利用价值的根头萌蘖枝和无培养前途的发育枝等。冬剪技术①结
Winter shear time is best to start after the kiwi leaves, usually in late December to mid-February next year is appropriate. Winter scissors object is mainly scientific, moderate on the results of kiwifruit pruning and branch pruning. At the same time, it is necessary to completely eliminate the dead branches, the delicate branches, the insect branches, the overlapping branches and the rootless tillers with no utilization value and the developmental branches without cultivation prospects. Winter shear technology ① knot
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