Using the phenomenological theory model, the control problem of the chaos in the light field of the storage ring type free electron laser is discussed. A method to control chaos in non-autonomous ordinary differential equations is proposed, which is called “shot method”. Theoretical analysis and numerical results show that when a weak periodic control light field is introduced into the laser cavity, the laser intensity changes with time as the amplitude and period of the control light field change from chaos to periodicity. The corresponding maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent changes from positive to negative. Further research also found that the light field chaos can be controlled only when the period of the control light field is an integral multiple of the original gain modulation period in the cavity. In other words, this control method of chaos adding a “beat function” is actually a non-feedback resonance method. In addition, by introducing the concept of “evolved operator eigenvalue”, a method of determining the optimal “slap” position is given.