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2013年四川芦山地震发生后,中央国家机关工委高度关注,为表达对灾区人民的关心,帮助灾区人民早日渡过难关,重建美好家园,通过中国红十字会向四川芦山地震灾区捐款150万元,用于灾区小学重建工作。根据《中国红十字会总会捐赠者表彰奖励办法》,中国红十字会授予 After the Lushan earthquake in Sichuan Province in 2013, the work committees of the central state organs paid close attention to expressing their concern for the people in the affected areas, helping the people in the disaster-stricken areas to get through their difficulties and rebuild their beautiful homeland as soon as possible and donating 1.5 million yuan to the earthquake-stricken areas in Lushan, Sichuan through the Chinese Red Cross. For the reconstruction of primary schools in disaster areas. According to “Red Cross Society of China donors recognition awards”, the Chinese Red Cross awarded
2012年以来,浙江省乐清市基层站所通过开展民主评议活动,促进基层站所提高服务质量,有力推动了全市政风行风建设,为打造风清气正、廉洁高效的政务环境提供了坚强保障。  一、强化领导,确保评议的协调性。市委市政府研究部署并成立民主评议基层站所活动领导小组,由市委副书记任组长,市纪委书记等领导任副组长,市委办、市府办等部门分管领导为成员,办公室设在市纪委(监察局)。  二、统筹考虑,确保评议的系统性。一