
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kittyranger
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一个具有5500小时寿命的点火装置已研制出来,并用于美国陆军战术车辆上。一项广泛的试验计划用来研制电容放电点火装置、该装置由电容储能系、无触点正时机构、一特殊的线圈、带有防护层的高压线及环形火花塞组成。一单热值范围的火花塞提供了好的点火特性并适用于陆军使用的四、六、八缸发动机上。在台架和测功机上通过对发动机进行各种工况的运转来研究点火装置的特性。现已证明最终设计的结果将与标准点火装置提供给发动机的性能相同。此外,对每种点火型式的利线及环形火花塞组成。一单热值范围的火花塞提供了好的点火特性并适用于陆军使用的四、六、八缸发动机上。在台架和测功机上通过对发动机进行各种工况的运转来研究点火装置的特性。现已证明最终设计的结果将与标准点火装置提供给发动机的性能相同。此外,对每种点火型式的利弊也进行了讨论。 许多美国陆军战术车辆以汽油发动机做为动力。由分电器总成及带有防护的高压线和火花塞组成了这一点火装置。 防水的分电器总成包括:点火线圈、附加电阻、电容器、断电触点,点火正时提前机构,分电六角、转子和分火头。带有防护的火花塞和高压线可防水及抑制无线电干扰。如要保持峰值点火性能,需要对点火装置定期进行调节和零件更换。 这篇论文摘要了发动? An ignition device with 5,500 hours of life has been developed and used on the U.S. Army tactical vehicles. A wide range of test programs are used to develop a capacitive discharge ignition device consisting of a capacitive energy storage system, a non-contact timing mechanism, a special coil, a high voltage line with a protective coating, and an annular spark plug. A single calorific value spark plug provides good ignition characteristics and is suitable for use on the Army’s four, six, and eight cylinder engines. In the gantry and dynamometer on the engine by a variety of operating conditions to study the characteristics of the ignition device. It has been demonstrated that the final design results will be the same as those provided by the standard ignition to the engine. In addition, for each ignition type of wire and ring spark plug composition. A single calorific value spark plug provides good ignition characteristics and is suitable for use on the Army’s four, six, and eight cylinder engines. In the gantry and dynamometer on the engine by a variety of operating conditions to study the characteristics of the ignition device. It has been demonstrated that the final design results will be the same as those provided by the standard ignition to the engine. In addition, the pros and cons of each type of ignition are also discussed. Many U.S. Army tactical vehicles are powered by gasoline engines. By the distributor assembly and with a protective high-voltage lines and spark plugs constitute the ignition device. Waterproof distributor assembly includes: ignition coil, additional resistors, capacitors, power contacts, ignition timing advance mechanism, the power hex, rotor and sub-head. Protected spark plugs and high-voltage lines are waterproof and contain radio interference. To maintain peak ignition performance, the ignition must be periodically adjusted and parts replaced. This paper summarizes the launch?
本刊讯2007年浙江省农药行业产销形势依然较好,各项数据达到了历史的最高点。整个行业在产、销、出口、利润等各方面都获得了较大幅度地增长。 The magazine in 2007 in Zhe