黄河口一带的饮茶习俗始于唐代。《封氏闻见记》里有这样的记载:唐开元中期,江淮的茶叶,经邹(山东邹城)、齐(山东济南)、沧(河北沧县)、棣(山东惠民县)渐至京邑。“舟车相继,所在山积,色额甚多”。“城市多开店铺,煮茶卖之,不问道俗,投钱取饮。”可见当时江苏、安徽的茶叶即大量运销山东、河北等地,饮茶习俗已开始在这里流行。 黄河口地区濒临大海,有古老的城镇村野,也有新开垦的处女地。过去,这里主要从事农牧业和渔盐业生产。人民勤劳俭朴,生活自食自足。思想观念受齐鲁文化的影响,民间多沿袭旧的礼俗。在这种环境氛围的熏陶下,逐渐形成了独具特色的饮茶习俗。
The Yellow River Mouth area of tea custom began in the Tang Dynasty. In the middle of the Tang Kaiyuan period, the tea leaves of JAC (Zoucheng of Shandong Province), Qi (of Jinan of Shandong Province), Cang (Hebei Cangxian) and Di (of Huimin County of Shandong Province) gradually To Beijing Yi. “Boat and car have been, where the mountain plot, a lot of color.” “The city opened more shops, boiled tea sold, do not ask vulgar, cast money to drink.” Visible then Jiangsu, Anhui tea that is, large quantities of Shandong, Hebei and other places, tea custom has begun to pop here. Yellow River estuary verge of the sea, there are ancient towns and villages, but also the newly reclaimed virgin land. In the past, here mainly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry and fishery industry. The people are industrious and frugal, and their livelihood is self-sufficient. Influenced by the Qilu culture, many folk follow the old customs. In this environment under the influence of the atmosphere, and gradually formed a unique custom tea drinking.