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1.土壤:明党参适宜山坡砂质肥沃疏松的土地,必须排水良好。2.整地作畦:在播种和移植前要允将土地深耕细作,土越细越好(条播、撒播和移植均相同)然后做成3—4尺宽5寸以上高的畦子,畦面要耙平。3.培植时间:9—10月间(即霜降前后)播种育苗,次年春秋季移植。生长期2—3年。4.培植方法:(一)条摇:在做好的畦面上抽成小槽约1寸深左右,将种子撒入,盖上草灰,然后用细沙土盖平(用草灰便于出芽顶土)。行距4寸左右,每亩大约需要种籽2—3斤。(二)撒播:即把种籽撒匀在做好的畦面上,盖上一层草灰,再用一层薄砂土盖好;约3—4分厚不宜过厚,否则芽不易顶土。播好后用喷水壶洒点水,土壤不宜 1. Soil: Ming Dangshen is suitable for loose, fertile land on sandy slopes and must be well drained. 2. Soil preparation: Before planting and transplanting, we must allow the land to be cultivated deeply. The finer the soil, the better (same broadcast, sowing, and transplanting) and the 3 to 4 foot wide and 5 inch tall rice dumplings. To be flat. 3. Cultivation time: From September to October (before and after frost fall), seedlings were planted and transplanted in spring and autumn the following year. Growth period of 2-3 years. 4. Method of cultivation: (1) Shake: Make a small groove about 1 inch deep in the well surface, spread the seeds, cover with straw ash, and cover it with fine sand (use straw to facilitate budding top soil ). Line spacing is about 4 inches, about 2-3 pounds per acre. (2) Spreading: Spread the seeds evenly on the well-made surface, cover with a layer of straw ash, and then cover it with a thin layer of sand; about 3-4 minutes thick should not be too thick, otherwise the buds will not be easy to top soil. After spraying well, sprinkle water with a spray bottle, soil is not suitable
据紧急灾难数据库(Emergency Events Database,EM-DAT)中关于灾害发生频率统计,自1985年以来,每年全球发生的重特大灾害事故(旱涝、地震、海啸、飓风等灾害)数量惊人,尤其是进入二十