The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxiaohua
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  导读:盲人Ben Underwood能运用自己超强的听觉来感知他周围的世界。研究发现,他的耳朵就像一台声纳机一样,能准确定位他想要的任何对象。像海豚一样,Ben能根据回声的不同而判定前面的物体是什么。没有导盲犬,不用手去摸索,只用声音探索这个世界,这就是Ben。
  Ben Underwood is truly a wonder. He taught himself to navigate through life using sonar, instead of traditional sight, similar to how a dolphin uses it to navigate through the open waters of the oceans. He lost his eyes to cancer when he was just 3 years old, and learned how to “see” by using clicks, mastering echolocation to such a precise extent that it was impossible to tell he did not have eyes. He didn’t let the loss of what we traditionally think of as sight stop him, and he used it to play sports such as, running, playing basketball, riding a bicycle, playing football, and skateboarding... more.
  Ben used human echolocation which is the ability of humans to detect objects in their environment by sensing echoes from those objects, by actively creating sounds—for example, by tapping their canes, lightly stomping their foot, or making clicking noises with their mouths... more.
  What is one of the most amazing things is Ben has no guide dog and never uses a white cane. He doesn’t even use his hands. He sees entirely with sound. He makes a sharp click, with his tongue, which bounces back off nearby objects. Amazingly, Ben’s ears pick up the echoes and he can precisely locate where things are. Ben is the only person in the world who sees using nothing but echolocation.
  Ben’s echolocation is so good, that his mother, Aquanetta Gordon, and his brother make no allowance for his blindness at all. Aquanetta has refused to allow the loss of Ben’s eyes to overshadow their lives.
  Ben is truly a unique person who doesn’t let anything stop him from accomplishing his goals.
  navigate v. 导航
  sonar n. 声纳
  echolocation n. 回声定位能力(鲸和蝙蝠等所具备的一种机能)
  cane n. 手杖
  bounce v. 弹回
  (What would yo do if you lose your sight?)
摘 要高校体育的不断发展对社会以及学生未来有非常大的促进性作用,近年来伴随着体育逐渐被人们重视起来,因此高校体育和社区体育之间开始实现资源的共享机制。高校体育设施可以向公众开放,高校所培养的体育指导人员也可以担任社区体育的人力职位,因此本文主要从两者互通有无以及高校体育和社区体育共享的主要途径上对此进行研究分析,旨在促进高校和社区之间的资源优化配置,提升民众和高校学生的体育素质。  【关键词】高校