半支莲(Portulaca brandi flora Hook),马齿苋科,马齿苋属。别名有松叶牡丹、太阳花、死不了、午时花、蚂蚁菜花等。原产于巴西。我国各地广泛栽培,近几年,人们总爱在宅边、窗前种上一些。半支莲虽不算名贵花,但花期长,清丽的花鲜艳夺目,颇惹人喜爱。 特征特性:半支莲是一年生肉质草本花卉,高10-15厘米,茎光滑或稍带紫色,稍长便不能直立,匍匐生长。叶圆柱形,互生。花生于枝顶,有单瓣或重瓣,直径3-6厘米,花色有白、黄、红、粉红、
Portulaca brandi flora Hook, Portulaca oleracea, Portulaca oleracea. Alias pine needles, sunflowers, can not die, noon flowers, ant cauliflower and so on. Native to Brazil. Widely cultivated throughout our country, in recent years, people always love in the house edge, planted some windows. Although the semi-branch lotus flower is not expensive, but the flowering period, fresh flowers bright eye-catching, rather lovable. Features: Half-branch lotus is an annual fleshy herbaceous flowers, 10-15 cm high, stems smooth or slightly purple, slightly longer can not stand up, creeping growth. Leaves cylindrical, alternate. Peanuts in the top, single or double petals, diameter 3-6 cm, color white, yellow, red, pink,