After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, with a sudden drop in fiscal revenue and a sharp increase in military expenditures, the financial revenue and expenditure of the National Government suffered a serious imbalance. In order to make up for the huge fiscal deficit, the Kuomintang government’s ministry of finance took the policy of increasing the issuance of legal tender. At the same time, the existing contradiction between supply and demand deepened due to natural disasters and the blockade of the Japanese army over the ruling Kuomintang area, which greatly stimulated the price rise. The destruction of the Japanese army even accelerated the drop in the value of the law currency. In order to prevent the continuously devalued currency from destroying the entire war effort and to maintain the government of the Kuomintang itself, the Kuomintang Central Government adopted a series of measures to curb the vicious inflationary inflation in the areas of credit control, implementation of land tax collection and implementation of various savings. All measures can only be the surface phenomenon of diluting inflation, and can not be the original source, the right medicine. This is a problem caused by the war environment