据海关总署统计,2012年1—3月我国工程机械进出口贸易额为58.55亿美元。其中,进口金额17.53亿美元,比2011年下降37.4%;出口金额41.02亿美元,比2011年上升34.2%,贸易顺差23.50亿美元,远高于2011年同期的2.56亿美元。2012年1—3月,我国进口整机10.08亿美元,比2011年下降39.3%,占进口总额的57.5%。其中履带液压挖掘机进口4 654台,价值5.63亿美元,同比分别下降61.3%和47.7%,降幅超过整个整机降幅。进口零部件为7.45亿美元,比201 1年下降33.1%,占进口总额的42.5%。出口方面,累计出口整机27.19亿美元,比2011年增长
According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs, the import and export volume of construction machinery in China from January to March 2012 was 5.855 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, the import amount of 1.753 billion US dollars, down 37.4% over 2011; the amount of 4.102 billion US dollars of exports, up 34.2% over 2011, the trade surplus of 2.35 billion US dollars, much higher than the same period in 2011 2.56 billion US dollars. From January to March 2012, China imported 1.008 billion U.S. dollars, down 39.3% from 2011 and accounting for 57.5% of the total imports. Among them, the crawler hydraulic excavator imported 4,654 units worth USD 563 million, down 61.3% and 47.7% respectively over the same period of the previous year, a decline of more than the entire decline of the whole machine. Imports of components for the 745 million US dollars, down 33.1% over 201 1, accounting for 42.5% of total imports. Exports, the total export volume of 2.791 billion U.S. dollars, an increase over 2011